Discipleship is one of the primary focuses of our organization and group bible studies are one of the ways that we facilitate that discipleship. For sports-minded people, you can think of our group bible studies as practice or a team huddle before you head back into your game of life. This is the place where you learn how to apply the examples given in scripture to your daily life.

Roman 12: 2 tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. In keeping with that passage, Srndr’s group bible studies seek to help garner that renewal for all who attend, including our facilitators and leaders.

Our groups are currently separated between men and women, which gives all of us the opportunity to learn, share and discuss subjects related to gender-specific needs.

For more information on dates, times, and how to attend our group bible studies, please contact us through our contact form or by giving us a call.

1 Tim. 3:16 - Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.