What Is Srndr?

Srndr, pronounced ‘sur.ren.der’, is a Christian fellowship ministry that focuses on discipleship and spiritual growth through the programs and activities that it offers. Essentially, Srndr is a church, however, it does not currently offer formal church services in the manner that may be traditionally experienced. Our programs, activities and resources are where most of our efforts are presently directed.

In Luke 10, Jesus sent seventy disciples into every city that He would travel to and He instructed them to heal the sick and notify people that the kingdom of God is near. Our organization is sensitive to the calling and direction of the Holy Spirit. We only desire to be where the Lord is working or where He would desire us to be. For that reason, at this time, we find much of our activities outside of a building, and more so, in the communities that He has placed us in.

What do you believe?

We believe that the Holy Bible is the true and inspired Word of God. In addition to that, we believe that the Bible is clear in John 3:16-21, that Jesus is the Christ and the Son of God, who was sent into this world to offer eternal life to all that believe in Him. The Father did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, rather, He sent His son into the world so the world through Him might be saved.

Our salvation rest on the finishing work of Christ, which was completed through His death, burial and resurrection. Based on Ephesians 2, it is through Christ’s grace that we are saved and not through the work of our own. Fallible and human we are, which is why we express our gratitude through our service and devotion to Christ.